Excluded Neighborhoods

Posted on May 7, 2015 by PLT Staff

Paper given by Mark Gornik at the fourth meeting of the Lived Theology and Community Building Workgroup in Charlottesville, Virginia (October 2001). Gornik delves into the adverse conditions of the inner city, specifically Sandtown, in Baltimore, Maryland. He explores the historical context that created Sandtown, provides a theological interpretation of the inner city, and presents a proposal for the revitalization of the inner city.

Excerpt: ” A main theme of the inner city that require our attention is its status as a community excluded on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, and social status. As a result of such exclusion, there has been a disintegration of normative community institutions and the ability to meet the basic needs of life… the biblical witness requires that injustice, structural sin, and the powers be factored into how we understand the complex of ways in which the post-industrial and now global inner city operates.”

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