The Rich Young Guy

Posted on May 12, 2015 by PLT Staff

Paper by Russell Jeung. Jeung shares his story, relating the expectations and privileges of the American dream to the Biblical story of the rich young man. He goes on to wrestle with the difficulty of the rich young man in this day and age. Jeung examines what it would look like for the rich young man to truly follow Jesus by sharing the experiences of rich young Christians who committed to helping the poor in Oak Park apartment complex in Oakland, California.

Excerpt: “Yuppies rarely confront injustice. Maybe we might get passed over for a promotion, or we might get a parking ticket right when we’re about to leave. But Jesus was often mistreated and he suffered the greatest injustice—being punished by a system while he was innocent. As we identify and suffer with the poor, when we’re victims of injustice and violence, we better understand what Jesus went through for us. And then we know better the extent of his love.”

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