Tell Me True: Memoir, History, and Writing a Life
Posted on December 29, 2015 by PLT Staff

From the publisher:
In this landmark collection, Patricia Hampl and Elaine Tyler May have gathered fourteen original essays from award-winning memoirists and historians. They are all storytellers, wrestling with a fascinating gray area where memory intersects with history and where the necessities of narrative collide with mundane facts. And whether the record emerges from archival sources or from personal memory, these writers show how to make the leap to telling a good story—while also telling us true.
- Publication Information
- Author: Carlos Eire, D.J. Waldie, Andre Aciman, June Cross, Helen Epstein, Matt Becker, Samuel G. Freedman, Fenton Johnson, Alice Kaplan, Annette Kobak, Michael Patrick MacDonald, Cheri Register
- Editor: Elaine Tyler May, Patricia Hampl
- Publication Type: Book
- Publisher:Borealis Books
- Date of Publication:January 2011
- Purchase: Buy this publication »