Redemption, Reconciliation, and Creation of Beloved Community: Dr. Martin Luther King’s Christian Vision

Posted on December 28, 2015 by PLT Staff

Lecture given by Charles Marsh at the Center for Applied Christian Ethics at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. Marsh speaks on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Christian vision in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Dr. King’s death. He traces King’s life through the civil rights movement, showing that disciplined practice requires spiritual nourishment in the hope of the risen Christ. For a listing of all our Occasional Lectures, click here.

Excerpt: “Dr. King’s dream was not his dream, not the dream of the sixties, but it was the dream of God. It was a gift of the Spirit. It was a dream of the beloved community of Christ. It was a dream for the renewal of the church’s mission in the world. King shows us, I think, in closing, a generous orthodoxy, an exuberant and costly love of Jesus, that precisely for that reason, remains open to all who come to the work of building beloved community. King’s vision, King’s particular Christian vision, might even be called a kind of chastened evangelicalism. In it, Christians are asked to learn to participate in God’s created order, and thus to use our commitment to Christ not as some kind of special claim on others, but in order to invite other people into the work of caring for the human condition and for the created order.”

  • Video Information
  • Date Recorded:April 4, 2008
  • Location Recorded:Wheaton, IL
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