On the Lived Theology Reading List: The Trinity among the Nations

The Trinity among the Nations: The Doctrine of God in the Majority World, Fellow Travelers, Gene L. Green, Stephen T. Pardue, K. K. YeoThe Doctrine of God in the Majority World

In an increasingly globalized world, the heart of Christian thought has stretched further than ever, specifically into the south and east. However, few theological resources have catalogued this momentous shift in recent global theology. The second volume in the Majority World Theology series, this publication seeks to fill the gap through a compilation of works from Christian thinkers across the globe documenting the tradition in their respective contexts. Highlighting global trends in trinitarian theology, The Trinity among the Nations draws on the character and work of God in various frameworks to inspire Christian living today.

Reviews and endorsements of the publication include:

“Imagine a book in which theologians from various continents and cultural-linguistic contexts share testimonies and compare notes about the Trinity. Imagine further that these theologians dare to consider the meaning of Trinity from such diverse perspectives as Native American, Chinese Confucian, Latin American liberationist, African traditional, and feminist-maternal. Congratulations – you have found such a book! Highly recommended.” —Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Fuller Theological Seminary

“Scholarly, informed, and grounded in Majority World realities, these stimulating essays on the doctrine of the Trinity will surely expand readers’ horizons and deepen appreciation for other voices.”—PLT Contributor M. Daniel Carroll R., Denver Seminary

“Courageously decenters a narrow Western approach to the crucially important Christian concept of the triune God — Green, Pardue, and Yeo offer bold explorations at the intersection of Trinity and various Majority World cultures. . . . This book and the Majority World Theology series that it represents are welcome contributions to our understanding of world Christianity today.”—Charles Farhadian, Westmont College

For more information on the book, click here.

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